Friday, January 23, 2009

I have started something NEW!!

So, as you all know I am not working as of recent and hope to be able to stay home as much as possible. Well, I had to find something to do to make up for some of that money that we would be losing by me not working. I have started my own business, my own under the table business. I have decided to start cleaning houses. I know it is not the best work but you know what, it brings in some extra money and it allows me to set my own schedule. I can still be at home when the kids need me or they have something at school that I want to go to. I have named my NEW adventure "Clean House" (original huh?) I have already had a few phone calls and hope to get started very soon. Now, we just have to hope that this works.


  1. I wsh you were still here. We just said we wish we could hire some one for just one good clean. I dread the dusting!!

  2. that is great! just don't hurt your back and hip. be carefullllllll
